109-1 選課相關說明

東海大學課程資訊網 - 公告:109-1 選課相關說明

公告時間 2020-06-22
公告主旨 109-1 選課相關說明

109學年度第1學期 選課說明手冊
網頁版瀏覽連結  http://course.thu.edu.tw/guide/1091/

  • 開放期間內,每天除00:00-02:00為系統維護時間(無法進行加退選登記)外,其餘時間均開放登記選課。
  • 每階段選課登記志願於亂數作業後皆會清除,因此每階段請記得自行上網登記「該階段」之加選課程及志願順序
  • 登記預選前請先核對學生系統內課表查詢之「預選課表」,原則上學年課、必修、必選課程皆會由系統直接帶入(系所另有規定者除外)。若已存在課表中之課程,不用再登記加選;如不需要修已帶入的課程,可在網路上自行登記退選。
  • 預選之選課結果請至「預選課表」查詢,而網路加選一、二階段的結果,則請至「學期課表」查詢。同時各階段結果亦將mail到每位同學的信箱,還請同學務必記得上網及收信確認。




1st Semester for Academic Year 2020
Instruction Manual for Course Registration
Website Link:  http://course.thu.edu.tw/guide/1091/
Useful Tips  

  • System not available during maintaining time, 00:00-02:00 a.m.
  • Please list your intended courses and prioritize them EACH time at different pre-registration stages because random numbering will erase the preference list of your previous trial.
  • Check your “pre-registered course schedule” in the student system before pre-registering courses online. Unless otherwise stipulated, your pre-registered course schedule should have shown your compulsory and required courses, which require no registration. However, if you do not intend to take any of those existing courses, you may drop them.
  • Check the result of pre-registered courses in Schedule for Pre-registered Courses; the 1st and 2nd stage Online Course Registration result will show in your Weekly Course Schedule. Please make sure you check your email often for confirmation.
  • According to the regulation of Ministry of Education, the credits for each semester must be above 18 and all final exams must take place in the last week except for courses where participants are all graduating students of the current year, under which circumstance, final exams will fall in the Graduation Exam Week (usually the 14th week).

《Checking Course Information》http://course.thu.edu.tw/
For information of all the courses campus-wide and number of students on the waiting list for each specific course so as to decide/predict your chance of getting in. 
《Detailed Description for Each Course》http://fsis.thu.edu.tw/wwwstud/frontend/CourseList.php