100年第1學期-5062 都市研究 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
課堂參與(出席與討論狀況) 30
期中課堂報告(可分組進行) 20
期末口頭與書面報告(可分組進行) 50


本課程名額為 70人,已有5 人選讀,尚餘名額65人。

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課程簡介: 伴隨著真實世界中城市化與城市發展的動力,與所出現的各式各樣問題,都市理論從早期的芝加哥學派發展至今,已經有近百年的歷史,當中都市研究的主流理論取向也歷經了「典範轉移(paradigm shift)」。本課程透過系統性地探索都市理論的不同系譜和從問題取向出發的各種研究課題面向,特別是政治經濟學取向,提供參與者對於都市化與城市發展相關課題之理論基礎,之後則將焦點轉到中國大陸,介紹在政經體制轉化與經濟快速發展過程中,中國大陸的城市轉變與發展動力,特別是改革開放後與全球經濟連結下,城市發展的動力與矛盾,最後將總結這樣的社會經濟與空間劇烈再結構過程當中的城鄉二元結構關係的轉變。 本課程將以授課者講課(lecture)為主,同學討論報告為輔,教學哲學重點是「清晰易懂(transparency)」,依同學「可負擔」的閱讀程度,提供相關閱讀材料。參與同學的義務除了出席與課堂報告討論之外,需進行期中課堂報告(口頭報告,需製作power point),以及繳交期末報告(一萬字以內),適合對於政治經濟學取向之都市研究有興趣,以及對於中國大陸城市發展有興趣的同學參與。



1.Amin, A. and Thrift, N.(2002)Cities:Rethinking Urban Theory, Cambridge:Polity.
2.Atkinson,R. and Bridge, G (eds)(2005) Gentrification in a Global Context, London:Routledge.
3.Beauregard, R. and Body-Gendrot, S.(eds)(1999) The Urban Moment: Cosmopolitan Essays on the Late-20th-century City, Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
4.Campbell, S. and Fainstein, S.S.(eds.)(2003)Readings in Planning Theory, Cambridge, MA:Blackwell.
5.Castells, M. (1983) The City and the Grassroots: A Cross-cultural Theory of Urban Social Movements, Berkeley:University of California Press.
6.Conway, J.M.(2004)Identity, Place, Knowledge:Social Movements Contesting Globalization, Halifax, NS:Fernwood.
7.Dear, M.J.(ed) (2002) From Chicago to L.A.: Making Sense of Urban Theory, London:Sage.
8.Feagin, J. R.(1998)The New Urban Paradigm:Critical Perspective on the City, New York:Rowman & Littlefield.
9.Gilbert, A. and Gugler, J.(1992)Cities, Poverty, and Development: Urbanization in the Third World, Oxford:Oxford University Press.
10.Harvey, D. (1985a) The Urbanization of Capital. Oxford: Blackwell.
11.---------------(1985b) Consciousness and the Urban Experience: Studies in the History and Theory of Capitalist Urbanization. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press.
12.Jonas, A.E.G. and Wilson, D.(eds)(1999)The Urban Growth Machine:Critical Perspectives Two Decades Later, New York:State University of New York Press.
13.Judge, D., G. Stoker and H. Wolman (eds.) (1995) Theories of Urban Politics, London:Sage.
14.Lees, L., Slater, T. and Wyly. E. (2008) Gentrification, New York: Routledge.
15.LeGates, R. T. and Stout, F.(eds)(2003) The city reader, London,New York: Routledge.
16.Logan, J.R. and Molotch, H.L. (1987) Urban Fortunes: The Political Economy of Place. Berkeley: University of California.
17.Lowe, S. (1986) Urban Social Movements:The City after Castells, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire:Macmillan.
18.Merrifield, A. and Swyngedouw, E.(1997)The Urbanization of Injus


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