100年第1學期-5180 民主治理與行政改革專題 課程資訊


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主題分享 40 (簡報內容、台風、解說表現等;使用PPT簡報列入加分)[坏?
期末報告大綱簡報 20 (含PPT簡報內容、設計、台風、解說表現及書面資料等)栘檓
期末報告 30 (期末書面報告)
課程參與 10 (含上課討論、出席演講、班級服務等)


本課程名額為 15人,已有6 人選讀,尚餘名額9人。

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「治理」(Governance)的基本內涵乃是開放參與、機關協調、民間協力,必須在民主的環境底下予以落實。行政改革的議題與內涵恰可由前述理論(或稱觀點)獲得驗證與解釋。以「公共建設用地徵收」為例,思考政府機關當前所面臨的實務困境,不就是涉及機關間溝通、民眾要求資訊透明、民間期待參與規劃。 但前述行政改革議題實際上涉及層面複雜,可以從環境趨勢、組織結構、制度變遷、行政領導、組織文化、行政創新等面向,尋找適當案例進行問題分析與討論,從中掌握民主治理的核心主張,學習行政革新的重要經驗。因此,本課程將運用國內外文獻的閱讀、討論與分組報告,達到案例研討、行政創新的學習目標





Blackstock, K. L.(2009).Between a rock and a hard place: Incompatible objectives at the heart of river. Water Science & Technology, 59(3): 425-432.
2. Bryson, J. M., B. C. Crosby, & M. M. Stone (2006). The Design and Implementation of Cross-Sector Collaborations: Propositions from the Literature. Public Administration Review, 66 (1): 44-55.
3. Colvin, J. et al. (2008). Building capacity for co-operative governance as a basis for integrated water resource managing in the Inkomati and Mvoti catchments, South Africa. Water SA, 34(6): 681-689.
4. Domenico, MariaLaura Di, et al. (2009). The Dialectic of Social Exchange: Theorizing Corporate Social Enterprise Collaboration. Organization Studies, 30(8): 887–907.
5. Ghose, Rina (2005). The Complexities of Citizen Participation through Collaborative Governance. Space and Polity, 9(1): 61-75.
6. Heikkila, Tanya and Andrea K. Gerlak (2005). The Formation of Large-scale Collaborative Resource Management Institutions: Clarifying the Roles of Stakeholders, Science, and Institutions. The Policy Studies Journal, 33(4): 583-612.
7. Heyns, P. S. vH. (2007).Governance of a shared and contested resource: A case study of the Okavango River Basin. Water Policy, 9(2): 149-167.
8. Ho, Peter (2006). Trajectories for Greening in China: Theory and Practice. Development and Change, 37(1): 3-28.
9. Holmes, Sara & Lance Moir (2007). Developing a conceptual framework to identify corporate innovations through engagement with non-profit stakeholders. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 7 (4): 414-422.
10. Kidd, S. & D. Shaw (2007). Integrated water resource management and institutional integration: Realising the potential of spatial planning in England. The Geographical Journal, 173(4): 312-329.
11. Lee, Tai Sik (2004). Buried treasure. Civil Engineering, 33-41.
12. Makipaa, Marko (2009). Inter-organizational information systems in cooperative inter-organizational relationships: Study of the factors influencing to success. IFIP (Internatio


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