102年第1學期-1593 公司治理與領導 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
平時成績 30
期中成績 30
期末成績 40


本課程名額為 100人,已有19 人選讀,尚餘名額81人。

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余 霆


使學習者 1. 建立對公司治理與領導之學術研究所使用理論和專有名詞的知識。 2. 建立評估和整合各種不同公司治理與領導之理論的能力。 3. 透過對公司治理與領導理論和實務的討論,建立分析能力與溝通技巧。 The objectives of this course are for each participant: 1.To develop a working knowledge of the terminology and theories used in academic research on leadership and corporate governance. 2.To develop his or her ability to critically evaluate and integrate diverse, and often conflicting, leadership and corporate governance theories. 3.To develop analytical techniques and communication skills through the discussion of theoretical and practical issues related to leadership and corporate governance.


本課程將介紹公司治理與領導相關之理論及實務應用,現代企業面臨瞬息萬變且競爭的年代,主管需提升其領導能力與公司治理之觀念以因應未來可能的挑戰。公司治理與領導同時是影響企業成敗之重要關鍵因素,本課程希望透過整合公司治理與領導,使學生對兩個主題有更深入之瞭解與認識。 This course will introduce different issues of leadership and corporate governance both in theories and in practice. Contemporary businesses are facing with fast-changing and competitive environment. In order to face with the possible challenge in the future, managers of the organization need to improve their ability and skills in leadership and corporate governance. Leadership and corporate governance are often described as critical factors to organizational performance. This course attempts to integrate the knowledge in leadership and corporate governance for the graduate students to have in-depth understanding of them.



公司治理, John L. Colley, Jr., Jacqueline L. Doyle, George W. Logan, Wallace Stettinius
許文西 編譯 滄海圖書


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