104年第1學期-6510 質性研究 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
課前閱讀 20
課程參與討論狀況 20
期中口頭報告 30
期末書面報告 30


本課程名額為 70人,已有5 人選讀,尚餘名額65人。

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本課程目標有二,一為協助同學回顧質性研究之基本概念與基本研究步驟, 二為協助同學學習質性研究不同研究取向中,適合社會工作研究的取向,本課程以紮根理論,民族誌,敘事研究為主要學習的取向,學習三個取向適合回答的研究問題,選取樣本,資料收集與資料分析等實際操作技術。本課程同時將協助學生學習質性研究軟體N-Vivo的操作與使用。


The content of the course is based on a selection of qualitative research methods for data generation and analysis that are often used within the administrative and policy sciences. Students will be given the opportunity to critically appraise qualitative research studies from their own research fields both individually and in seminars. Through active participation in seminars, different ways of collecting/generating and analyzing qualitative data will be discussed and analysed. In addition, in the form of a written assignment, students will plan their own qualitative studies and describe how they would carry out an analysis. This course offers a hands-on opportunity for graduate students to experience the practice of qualitative research. The course will require a moderate investment of time, with academically necessary reading and writing, recurrent team discussions based on assignments, and individual fieldwork. Teaching is in English and in the form of a course introduction, lectures and seminars.



1. Creswell, J. (2014). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. 4th ed. Essex: Pearson Educational Limited.
2. Shaw, I. & Holland, S. (2014). Doing Qualitative Research in Social Work. London: Sage Publications.
3. Qualitative Social Work Journal
4. 賴文福 譯 (2013). 民族誌學。台北:揚智出版社。
5. 吳芝儀 譯 (2008). 敘事研究 閱讀,分析與詮釋。嘉義:濤石文化。


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