105年第2學期-2253 方案設計與評估 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Mid-term examination 15 期中考
Final Presentation 25 期末學習成果總檢驗
Group assignment 40 平常學習與設計練習
Class attendance & participation 20 課堂參與、學習與體驗


本課程名額為 70人,已有68 人選讀,尚餘名額2人。

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By employing the group project as a major learning strategy to activate independent, systematic thought and foresight, with a micro-implementation focus, this course provides a solid foundation and is expected to enable undergraduate students to: (1)define the service problems or issues through needs assessment, data collection, data analysis, and data conclusions in relation to the societal conditions; (2)employ group tactics in clarifying the service goals and making project decisions; (3)respond to a need of seeking a development of recipe for self own method or a framework of project planning and evaluation; and, (4)identify the pragmatic variables that influence project implementation, evaluation, and the exercise value. 課程內容涵蓋之單元有: 需求評估/問題陳述:描述案主需求或問題,及其存在之事實; 目的及工作目標:依據案主之需求或問題設定方案執行之目的與工作目標; 服務對象:描述方案所針對之服務案主群; 方案活動:描述方案所有之活動執行內容; 活動型態及活動性質:描述各服務活動之型態及性質; 方案所需資源:述明從籌備到評鑑,方案所需運用資源之項目與數量; 工作人員之角色-任務-責任:描述所有參與方案執行人員之分工狀況、角色、任務及職責; 經費編列:依據方案活動之所需,編列收入/支出之預算金額; 執行進度:標明各相關事項需得完成之日期、時間,以利掌控籌備工作進度; 方案宣傳:標明宣傳方案之對象、時間、地點、方法、預算、…等; 服務評鑑:形成評估、過程評鑑、結果評鑑擇一執行,以利確定服務之進行或成效為何。


This course is designed to prepare undergraduate students to develop the knowledge, skills and strategies required for grantsmanship in relation to project planning, proposal writing, service effect evaluation and fund application at the practice operational level. The course not only demystifies the grant-writing process by providing a guide but exposes students to a variety of potential sources and approaches for program or project implementation.



(1)Coley, S. M., & Scheinberg, C. A. (2008). Proposal Writing: Effective
grantsmanship (3rd ed.). Newbury Park, CA: SAGE.
(4) Handouts and relevant text materials as needed will be announced in the


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