107年第1學期-4296 全民國防教育軍事訓練–國防政策 課程資訊


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出席 40
報告 30
期末測驗 30


本課程名額為 70人,已有49 人選讀,尚餘名額21人。

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National Defense Policies serves as a major blueprint for defense affairs of a country and is under the authority of Department of Defense or Ministry of National Defense. It can be scrutinized with Arthur Lykke’s Model of Strategy consisting of Ends, Ways, and Means. In the hierarchy of strategy, National Defense Strategy upholds National Security Strategy (N.S.S.) directed by the paramount leader of a country and instructs National Military Strategy (N.M.S.) directed by the highest ranking uniformed Officer of the Armed Forces. There is an urgent need to seek for a continuity of policy & strategy for the security & defense affairs for the Republic of China on Taiwan due to the unique security situation the R.O.C.-Taiwan is facing which means a consensus over the framework of the R.O.C.-Taiwan’s National Defense Strategy from different stakeholders with different political interests is required in order to shape up a future security environment in favor of the R.O.C.-Taiwan’s best interests. The construction of the Body of Knowledge (BoK) without political partiality provides a foreseeable pathway to pursue this consensus.


國家安全的主旨為維持國家長久生存發展,確保主權與國家利益,以提升國家在國際上的地位,保障國民福祉。課程中介紹我國最新國防與兩岸政策,強化學習知能。結合國家現況、政策發展,更融入與生活相關的各種資訊更換新圖片以提升教學效果,建立國防政策之於全民國防的整體動員武力。   另配合我國國防政策的轉型與最新國防政策,介紹兵役實務與募兵制生涯規畫,並針對國家安全政策與全民國防、國家安全之間的關係,建立綜合性安全概念,強化全民參與國防的整體動員武力。藉由愛國教育為主題的兩大議題,提升學生對國軍使命與軍人信念的認知,進而凝聚「同島一命」的堅定信念;透過革命先烈與現代青年的愛國行為介紹,激發學生的愛國意識,並強化國家認同感。 大學生健康保健本課程乃是為增進學生對壓力的認識並善用紓壓技巧,於繁忙的大學生活並於兩性互動頻繁的此時,能嚴謹看待婚前性行為並對性生理心理有所了解。對於重視外表勝於一切的年輕人,清楚指導維持理想體重的方法與標準以確保身心健康。現代學生熬夜、生活飲食不規律常引起肝臟疾病及高血脂亦為此學期教學重點。此外,心理、精神疾病亦是困擾大學生的一值得重視的問題,針對此議題加強心理衛生教學,讓學生對精神疾病有一些認識,以減少其恐懼心及排斥感。



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