107年第1學期-6612 教學科技理論研究 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
閱讀心得回應與帶討論 25 Each class meeting, you are required to bring your response from that day’s readings.
教學輪廓圖 15 在這個作業你將發展對一個教育環境(一個你假想的學校,或是你的任教的學校)的剖析。利用你所蒐集得知的學區(縣市政府) 、社區、學校、教室、學生、及老師的資訊,加上你自己的教育背景、科技能力、信念及教學目標完成這個作業。
教育網站、教育軟體、教育社群網絡評鑑 20 對內容、架構安排介紹、及你認為教師可以如何運用它,並對其教育價值進行批判。我將提供一些導引來幫助你的分析
final paper 40 The final paper topic will be opened to your interested area. I encourage you to write a proposal for your research. To think about what questions of technology integration you like to ask


本課程名額為 7人,已有13 人選讀,尚餘名額-6人。

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這門課將探討教育運用媒體與科技的可能性、運用性、和挑戰性。教學內容將從教育、社會、文化、和經濟各個層面來思考電腦科技、學習/教學平台、行動學習、社群網際網絡、以及各種新興的資訊科技在教學上的使用。除了課堂上理論的討論,這門課也將配合實務上的練習。學生將利用專案計畫選定年級科目來製作教學簡報,評鑑教育網站/教學軟體,和設計網頁課程。透過這門課的學習學生對於整合科技教學的理論與技巧將有深一層的認知。(Over the course we are going to explore some of the possibilities, implications, and challenges of integrating technology into teaching and learning. This course is designed to provide opportunities to explore various theories, perspectives, and application of educational technology, particularly focusing on mobile device, Facebook, (C) LMS to discuss e-learning. This course aims to develop your knowledge, skills, and disposition of theory, research, and practice related technology integration)。



1. 沈中偉與黃國禎。(2012)。科技與學習:理論與實務(第四版)。臺北:心理出版社。
2. Sharon E. Smaldino、Deborah L. Lowther、James D. Russell/原著。(2015) 。教學科技與媒體。臺北:華騰全球數位文化出版社
Roblyer, M.D. (2004). Integrating educational technology into teaching (教育科技融入教學)。台北:高等教育文化事業有限公司
2. Lever-Duffy (2015). Teaching and learning with technology. Boston, MA: Ally& Bacon. (Ebook http://mylabschool.com 帳號: chen802 密碼:t23508529h)
3. Handout readings
Textbook Reference:
Bullen, M. & James, D. (2007). Making the transition to e-learning: strategies and issues. Hershey, PA: Information Science Publishing.
Catherall, P. (2005). Delivering e-learning for information services in higher education. Rollinsford, NH: Chandos Publishing.
Pflaum, W. (2004).The technology fix: the promise and reality of computers in our schools. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Provenzo, E.F., Breet, A., & McCloskey, G.N. (1999). Computer, Curriculum, and Cultural Change. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Shelly, G. et al (2002).Teachers discovering computers: integrating technology and digital media in the classroom. Boston, MA: Course Technology.
Tomei, L. (2007). Integrating information &communications technologies into classroom. Hershey, PA: Information Science Publishing.
Wenglinsky, H. (2005).Using technology wisely: the keys to success in schools. New York, NY: Teacher College Press.


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