108年第2學期-0154 文討:翻譯工作坊 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Mock conference 40
Participation 20
Virtual exchange 10 including meeting planner/log
Assignments 30 There will be weekly assignments, but only three will be graded. The rest will be for in-class discussion. Failure to submit an assignment on time (graded or not) will result in a deduction of three points from the final grade.


本課程名額為 20人,已有17 人選讀,尚餘名額3人。

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The translation workshop offers a hands-on approach to a variety of subject matters for students to reinforce translation techniques suitable for different contexts. Students will use real-life materials such as commercial flyers and tourist brochures to simulate professional translation processes. Class will be conducted using a combination of lectures, student presentations, and semi-structured discussions. Class activities are based upon the completion of weekly translation assignments and the review of one peer’s translation work. This seminar will introduce an experimental element in collaboration with students from Northeastern University: through virtual exchanges, this segment of the workshop will enable students to work on two assigned tasks across the screen and is intended to foster intercultural communication that is intrinsic to translation of any kind. For the final project, students are required to write a paper in English corresponding to a five-minute presentation on one of the topics and findings discussed in the semester. Each student is required to translate a peer’s paper proposal into Mandarin, and a mock conference will be the end product of this collaborative work.


This workshop helps students improve their translation skills through discussion with fellow students under the supervision of the teacher. They are required to translate two texts of their choices.



Materials will be provided by the instructor.


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