109年第2學期-6852 餐旅營運管理研究 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
出席 15 準時到課
課堂參與 25 課堂之互動與討論
餐旅營運管理文獻口頭報告 20 指定相關期刊論文之口頭報告


本課程名額為 20人,已有10 人選讀,尚餘名額10人。

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本課程將採文獻探討與個案分析方式,討論包含營收管理、服務品質、產品經營、顧客關係、領導與衝突等主要議題。再則,亦以,組織、規劃、用人、督導及管控等營運管理本質之價值取向,討論餐旅營運管理之內涵並驗證營運取向之實質創新效益。本課程採個案討論為主,並邀請學者專家專題演講及參與課中個案討論,將提供豐富的師生互動及同儕討論機會,以達成共振效應。是故,本課程目標如下: 1. 學習當代最新的餐旅營運管理議題與知識。 2. 培養餐旅營運本質取向之經營與分析能力 3. 運用跨域學習之創新知識提升餐旅營運競爭力


This course is designed for graduate students to learn service operations management. Many examples and cases are related to hospitality. After taking this course, students can learn the managerial concepts of hospitality operations management, which are useful to academic research and managerial competence.



1.Ford, Robert C., Sturman, Cherill P., Heaton (2012). Management Quality Service in Hospitality: How Organizatuins Achieve Excellence in The Guest Experience,
2.Hayes , David K., Millier Allisha. ( 2011). Revenue Management for Hospitality Industry, New York; John Wiley.
3.Kandampully, Jay. (2013). Service Management,
4.Kotsochevar, Lendal H., withrow, Diane (2007). Management by Menu,
5.Walker John R., Miller Jack E. (2016). Supervision in the Hospitality Industry,
7.林万登譯(2016)。餐飲管理實務:理論與個案。 台北:桂魯有限公司。
9.孫路弘(2013)。餐旅管理個案:實務與理論。 臺北:前程文化事業有限公司。
11.王喆、韓陽合譯(2017)。策略選擇 (Martin Reeves, Knut, Haanaes, Janmejaya Sinha合著 Your Strategy Needs A Strategy: How to Choose And Execute the Right Approach)。台北:經濟新潮社。

13.Bavik Ali, .(2016). Developing a new hospitality industry organizational culture scale. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 58: 44-55.
14.Guo Xiaolong, Ling Liuyi, Yang Chenchen, Li Zhaoquong, Liang Liang. (2013) Optimal pricing strategy based on market segmentation for service products using online reservation systems: An application to hotel rooms. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 35:274-281.
15.Gatling Anthony, Shum Case,Book Laura, Bai Billy. (2017). The Influence of hospitality leaders’ relational transparency on followers’ trust and deviance behaviors: Mediating role of behavioral integrity. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 62: 11-20.
16.Jiang Zheng, Du qianzhou, Ma Yufeng, Fan Weiguo. A comparative analysis of major online review platforms: Implications for social media analytics in hospitality and tourism. (2017). Tourism management, 58: 51-65.
17.Karatepe Osman M., karadan Georgiana. (2014). The effect of psychological capital on conflicts in the work-family interface, tourer and absence intensions. International Journal of Hospitality Ma


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