110年第1學期-3657 三年德文 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Mitarbeit, Hausaufgaben, Betreuung 40 課堂參與、小組合作、家庭作業、協助德語初學者
Tests 小考 10 小考
Mittsemesterprüfung 期中考試 20 mündliche/schriftliche Prüfung; 口試/筆試
Semesterprüfung 期末考試 20 mündliche/schriftliche Prüfung; 口試/筆試
Anwesenheit出席 10 出席


本課程名額為 35人,已有37 人選讀,尚餘名額-2人。

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- strengthening oral fluency and conversational skills - increasing active and passive vocabulary for everyday situations - furthering listening and reading comprehension - strengthening understanding of sentence structures - enabling students to express themselves in more complex sentences and paragraphs in oral and written form - providing further background in regional / cultural studies - strengthening interaction between students - tutoring students of lower-semesters - using social networks - developing organizational and collaborative skills working alone, with a partner and in groups; enacting dialogues of everyday situations; dialogue variations; listening to native speakers; working with material typical of the target culture; collecting relevant language and culture information; doing independent online research; reflecting own learning process; planning and producing short video clips related to the topics covered in class


German III is an intermediate level course for those who already have a basic knowledge and understanding of the German language, and who also know some basic facts about Germany and other German-speaking countries. The course is taught mostly in German and makes use of more complex sentence structures. It stresses skills needed in everyday conversation. Oral skills are developed in short dialogues and scenes, while writing and reading are trained with the help of a variety of reading materials and through the preparation of short paragraphs and essays by the students. Furthermore, students will regularly give oral and written presentations on a wide variety of topics. Students are tested on speaking, listening comprehension, grammar, cultural background, reading and writing. E-learning is an integral part of the course and as such will be widely used for individual and collaborative work.




- Panorama · Deutsch als Fremdsprache A2: Teilband 1: Kursbuch (mit PagePlayer-App inkl. Audios, Videos und Übungen); ISBN 978-3-06-120488-4
- Panorama · Deutsch als Fremdsprache A2: Teilband 1: Übungsbuch DaF mit Audio-CD; ISBN 978-3-06-120474-7

- other materials prepared by the teachers of the German section
- www.cornelsen.de


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