111年第2學期-7215 環境大數據分析 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
環境數據與感知健康體驗資料庫 20
專題演講:影片觀看、討論、心得 20
課堂參與、出席、提問 20
期末專題報告 40


本課程名額為 40人,已有1 人選讀,尚餘名額39人。

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本課程著重於數據輔助設計的概念及課題與對策的發想,結合社群平台與工具蒐集環境、使用者生心理感受,並藉由閱讀中英文文獻,將帶有景觀照片的數據轉化成健康指標,逐步建立符合空間環境與健康之應用,以提出「具科學數據支持之健康景觀設計(Evidence-based design, EBD)」。



1.Aerts, R., Honnay, O., & Van Nieuwenhuyse, A. (2018). Biodiversity and human health: mechanisms and evidence of the positive health effects of diversity in nature and green spaces. British medical bulletin, 127(1), 5-22.
2.Brown, R. D. and R. C. Corry (2020). "Evidence-Based Landscape Architecture for Human Health and Well-Being." Sustainability 12(4): 1360.
3.Bush, J., & Doyon, A. (2019). Building urban resilience with nature-based solutions: How can urban planning contribute?. Cities, 95, 102483.
4.Chen, M., Jeronen, E., & Wang, A. (2021). Toward environmental sustainability, health, and equity: how the psychological characteristics of college students are reflected in understanding sustainable development goals. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(15), 8217.
5.Foellmer, J., et al. (2021). "Academic Greenspace and Well-Being — Can Campus Landscape be Therapeutic? Evidence from a German University." Wellbeing, Space and Society 2: 100003.
6.Lu, M. and J. Fu (2019). "Attention restoration space on a university campus: Exploring restorative campus design based on environmental preferences of students." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(14).
7.Kaplan, R., Kaplan, S., & Ryan, R. (1998). With people in mind: Design and management of everyday nature. Washington, DC: Island Press.
8.Kellert, S. R. (2018). Nature by design: The practice of biophilic design. New Haven & London: Yale University Press
9.Hunter, M. R. and A. Askarinejad (2015). "Designer's approach for scene selection in tests of preference and restoration along a continuum of natural to manmade environments." Front Psychol 6: 1228.
10.Hung, S. H., & Chang, C. Y. (2022, Oct.). How Do Humans Value Urban Nature? Developing the Perceived Biophilic Design Scale (PBDs) for Preference and Emotion. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 76, 127730
11.White, M. P., Alcock, I., Grellier, J., Wheeler, B. W., Hartig, T., Warber


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