98年第1學期-3370 大一英文 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
50% in-class grades 50 in-class grades must be over 60 points
50 % midterm and final exams 50 averagae of midterm and final must be over 56 points and the average of in-class and exams must be over 60 points or fail


本課程名額為 35人,已有29 人選讀,尚餘名額6人。

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課程目標 (Course Objectives) 修畢大一英文後,學生應該能達成下列八項課程目標: On completion of the FENM course, students should be able to: 1. 能運用英語文於日常生活中﹔ use English in daily life; 2. 能運用英語文進行邏輯思考、分析判斷、整合創新﹔ think independently, logically, analytically, synthetically, and creatively in English; 3. 能了解及增進個人學習英語文興趣與動機﹔ understand and enhance one’s own interest and motivation in learning English; 4. 能運用英語文吸收及了解多元領域知識﹔ use English to acquire and understand knowledge of various disciplines; 5. 能運用各類英語文學習策略﹔ use various English language learning strategies; 6. 能運用各類資源學習英語文﹔ use various English language learning resources; 7. 能運用英語文探索及了解國際多元文化﹔ use English to explore and understand various cultures in the world; and 8. 能運用英語文探索及了解自我人生意義。 use English to explore and understand the meaning of one’s own life.


Freshman English is a first-year required course. The goal of the course is primarily to improve the proficiency of students in communicative language skills with an emphasis on speaking and writing. A functional, notional approach is taken to planning objectives to help students gain confidence in using English in social interactions. Therefore, active participation in the class is a prerequisite for successful completion. A variety of activities are used throughout the year including dialogues, role-plays, pair work, small group projects and whole class discussions. The syllabus includes a general review of grammar and many class activities attempt to integrate these grammar components. Therefore, students are given the opportunity to apply the rules to real-life situations that they might encounter in an English-speaking country. Teachers encourage students to monitor their grammar usage while improving their level of fluency.



1.Interactions I(silver edition)Reading
2.Simplied Readers:The Jungle Book;Aesop Fables;The Happy Prince;Favorite Asian Folk Tales
3.Connect With English Book 1(Video Script)


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