98年第2學期-4973 東南亞區域專題研究 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Class partacipation, small write-up, paper presentation, and the term paper 100


本課程名額為 12人,已有8 人選讀,尚餘名額4人。

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The Course designs to provide graduate students an thorough understanding of the complexity of this strategically important area, and of China in its, as well as other major players, strategic interests and their policy prospects toward this region. As China gains strategic advantage in Southeast Asia, what would be the response of ASEAN in this particular regards, and, moreover, what are the implications to the US, Japan, and other concerned parties as well. Those are also important issues deserved to be in a further exploration in the future.


Southeast Asia is a region of strategic sensitivity because of the intersection of the interest several major powers there- the U.S., China and Japan. Among them, China’s situation is very different and important, as Southeast Asia is a vital neighboring area which must not be controlled by hostile regimes, and preferably should be rule by states that acknowledge China’s historical superiority and current prominence. The course designs to provide students an engaging introductory look at the history, culture, and politics of this intriguing region. It also provides student an introductory background for understanding China’s ASEAN policy in the beginning of this century, in the hope of answering the question of whether or not the PRC is a threat to Southeast Asia in the long run.



1. Neher, Clark D., Southeast Asia in the New International Era, Boulder, (Colorado: Westview Press, 1999).

2. Faith Keenan ed., The After Shock: How an Economic Earthquake Rattling Southeast Asia Politics, (Hong Kong: Review, Publishing Co., 1998).

3. Suryadinata, Leo e., Ethnic Chinese as Southeast Asia, New York, (NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1997).

4. Amitav Acharya and Richard Stubbs ed., New Challenges for ASEAN Recommended Reading: Emerging Policy Issues, (Vancouver: UBC Press, 1995).

5. Michael R.J. Vatikiotis, Political Change in Southeast Asia: Trimming the Banyan Tree, (London and New York: Routledge, 1996).

6. Gungwu Wang, China and Southeast Asia: Myths, Threats and Culture, (Singapore: Singapore University Press, 1989).

7. Suryadinata, Leo ed., Ethnic Chinese as Southeast Asians, (New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1997).

8. Robert G. Sutter, China’s Rise in Asia: Promises and Perils, (NY: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005).

9. Donald E. Weatherbee, International Relations is Southeast Asia: the Struggle for Autonomy, (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Published, 2005).

10. Amitav Acharya, Constructing A Security Community in Southeast Asia: ASEAN and Problem of Regional Order, (New York: Routledge, 2001).

11. Neher, Clark D., Southeast Asia: Crossroads of the World, Southeast Asia Publications, 2000 7. 張錫鎮,《東南亞政府與政治》, 台北:揚智文化, 1999

12. 陳鴻瑜,《東南亞各國的政治與外交政策》, 台北:渤海堂文化事業, 1992

13. 陳欣之,《東南亞安全》, 台北:揚智文化, 1999

14. 顧長永,《東南亞政府與政治》, 台北:五南, 1995

15. 宋鎮照,《東協國家之政經發展》, 台北:五南, 1996

16. 陳鴻瑜,《南海諸島之發現開發與國際衝突》, 台北:國立編譯館, 1997

17. 楊志恆等,《我國應有的南海戰略》, 台北:業強出版社, 1996

18. 古鴻廷, 《東南亞華僑的認同問題:馬來亞篇》, 台北:聯經出版社, 1994


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