99年第1學期-3056 二年德文 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Unterricht 30 Tests 小考
Hausaufgaben 20 Hausaufgaben 家庭作業
Mittsemesterprüfung 25 mündliche Prüfung und Klausur口試和筆試
Semesterprüfung 25 mündliche Prüfung und Klausur口試和筆試


本課程名額為 35人,已有22 人選讀,尚餘名額13人。

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Daniel Cothran


- strengthening understanding and usage of sentence structures - furthering listening and reading comprehension - enabling students to express themselves in more complex sentences and paragraphs in oral and written form - providing further cultural / regional background - strengthening interaction between students - developing collaborative skills


German II is an intermediate level course for those who already have a basic knowledge and understanding of the German language, and who also know a few facts about Germany and other German-speaking countries. The course is taught, for a good part, in German and gradually makes use of more complex sentence structures. Students are tested on speaking, listening comprehension, grammar, cultural background, reading and writing. E-learning might be used for individual and collaborative work.



-Studio d A1 – Kurs und Arbeitsbuch (課本及練習), Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin. (由敦煌書局代理進口)
-Studio d A1 – Vokabeltaschenbuch (字彙與例句中德對照)
-Other materials prepared by the teachers of the German section


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