99年第2學期-2136 餐旅連鎖經營 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Class Participation and Attendance 20 If you are absent THREE times throughout the semester without a legitimate reason, you will be penalized with FIVE point deduction off your final grade.
Mid Term 30 Cheating will not be tolerated during testing
Group Presentation and Report 30 Group presentation is designed to give students an opportunity to be innovative and apply the concepts learned in class to their project.
Pop exams/Homework Assignment 20 Group Homework Assignments will be given throughout the semester


本課程名額為 40人,已有27 人選讀,尚餘名額13人。

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1. Analyzed the history of franchising from 1900’s to the present day 2. Define in writing franchising 3. Explain the different type of franchise agreements 4. Identify and distinguish the two types of franchises 5. Analyze and explain why franchisees fail 6. Explain the criteria for selecting a franchise 7. Understand the cost associated with developing a franchise 8. Understand the personal consideration in developing a franchise 9. Indentify the legal aspects of developing a franchise 10. Explain the advantages of hands-on vs absentee ownership 11. Develop and enforce the system standards 12. Explain the steps used to develop and implement and management system 13. Explain how automation impacts the franchise operation 14. Develop and implement a franchise marketing plan 15. List the steps in handing a labor dispute 16. Understand the considerations in raising money for a new franchise project 17. Explain the components of finding a location and the considerations in this process 18. Analyze financial statements and develop pro form statements


The course is designed to examine franchising from both the franchiser and franchisee’s point of view in hospitality management. It also identifies start-up, organization, franchiser/franchisee’s relations, marketing, legal aspects, and operations, with an orientation toward the small business franchisee. The course will stress the application of analytical techniques. However, the students will obtain a better understanding and knowledge of what today are the main franchising strategic alternative in the hospitality industry



1. 餐飲連鎖經營 ( 1999) Mahmood A. Khan著,掌慶林譯,楊智文化事業(股)公司
2. 連鎖企業管理 (2006) 丘繼智 , 華立圖書股份有限公司
3. 餐飲加盟連鎖最佳實務 ( 2006) 金海 , 商周出版


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