99年第2學期-5407 亞洲城鄉與建築文化專題 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Attendance record and performance 20 Students are encouraged to join the debate in class.
Reflective Report 1 20 Format of the report - see the above description.
Reflective Report 2 20 Format of the report - see the above description.
Final Research Report 40 Each presentation should be within 15 minutes and allow 5 minutes for discussion.


本課程名額為 70人,已有12 人選讀,尚餘名額58人。

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1. To train students to listen and to speak in an English environment so that students English proficiency can be improved. 2. To broaden students knowledge on the emerging urban phenomena and city cultures across the Asian context to build up a better understanding of this particular region. 3. Through cross-institutional exchange, students will benefit learning from joining debates with scholars from different countries and to improve their skills in international communication in English.


This course will be conducted in English and lectures will be given by different invited scholars and professors mainly from the Asian region. The major issues in this lecture series focus on“Emerging urban phenomena and city cultures in the contemporary Asian context”. Invited speakers will give a short history of those cities studied by them. Emerging socio-economical and socio-cultural issues as well as sustainable problems etc. will be further discussed in the class. Students are encouraged to join the debate with the invited scholars and teachers and reflective reports based on selected lectures are to be submitted afterward. Students are required to present a research report in English on issues related to the main theme of this course. Group researches are only allowed within two students and no more than that number.



1. Lim, William SW,2007,《ASIAN ALTERITY: With Special Reference to Architecture and Urbanism through the Lens of Cultural Studies》,Imperial College Press Co.,London。
2. Cowherd, Robert,2011,《Cultural Constructions of Asian Cities》,Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Architecture,http://archnet.org/courses/Cultural_Construction.html。
3. Han, Pilwon,2011,《A New Tradition of East Asian Cities; The Dualistic Urban structure》,Department of Architecture, Hannam University, Korea,http://ata.hannam.ac.kr/cities/e-asia-e.htm。
4. 陳光興,2006,《去帝國—亞洲作為方法》,台北市:行人出版社。
5. Further information and references will be provided by each invited speaker.


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