104年第2學期-3175 人文:世界觀與生命意義 課程資訊


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課堂參與 40 (含到課率、提問與討論)
期末報告 60


本課程名額為 75人,已有77 人選讀,尚餘名額-2人。

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世界觀是有關世界的基本與統合觀念。每個人的生活都或隱或顯地展現著某種特定的世界觀,而且他的世界觀根本地決定著他的思想、行為與生活方式。現實上,人們有多種世界觀,因而有多種行為與生活方式。在這個意義上,反省人的行為與生命必然要反省他所持有的世界觀,查驗一個人的世界觀就是在查驗他的生命,而正如蘇格拉底所言「未經檢驗的生命不值得活」。當代是一個諸世界觀並存與激烈衝突的時代,致使我們不得不被迫要面對與包容不同的世界與生命形態。但,每種世界觀都合理可接受嗎?顯然非如此,當前許多人類與環境災難正出於特定的世界觀。因此,除非我們應接納與包容所有行為與生命形態,或者,我們根本不相信有不可否決的關乎世界與生命的真理,否則我們應檢驗與反省不同世界觀的合理性,進而指出什麼才是人應持有的世界觀及生活方式,更重要地,據此顯出人的生命意義。 Worldview is a fundamental and comprehensive idea of the world. As far as a person’s worldview determines his or her life including thoughts, action and lifestyle, everyone’s life is explicitly or implicitly showing a kind of worldview. We live in an age that there are many radical and grave conflicts of worldviews and their entailed actions. Are all worldviews reasonable and acceptable? Obviously no. It is a fact that many human and environmental disasters are the results of some worldviews. Thus we have to ask which worldview is reasonable and acceptable, and further try to form a good lifestyle. Indeed, to examine one’s worldview is to examine his or her life, and Socrates saying is right: “an unexamined life is not worth living.” Accordingly, the aim of this course is trying to found the warranted reasons of a worldview through critical discussions and dialogue, and help every student to find the meaning of life.



第 59 期(2015年10月),頁 123-151。
柯志明,2012,〈死亡、愛與生命的意義〉,《獨者》第 23 期(2012 年春夏),頁 205-230。
Anderson, James N. 2014. What’s Your Worldview? an Interaction Approach to Life’s Big
Question. Wheaton: Crossway.
Baggini, Julian. 2004. What’s It All About?: Philosophy & the Meaning of Life. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Cottingham, John. 2003. On the Meaning of Life. London and New York: Rouledge.
DeWitt, Richard,2015,《世界觀:現代年輕人必懂的科學哲學史與科學史》,唐澄暐
Nagel, Thomas. 1979. Mortal Questions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Wilson, Edward O.. 2014. The Meaning of Human Existence. New York: Liveright
Publishing Cooperation.
Wittgenstein, Ludwig. 2004 [1921]. Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. London and New York:


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