100年第1學期-0936 網路規劃與管理 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
期中考 40
期末考 40
作業, Projetcs 或其他 20


本課程名額為 70人,已有100 人選讀,尚餘名額-30人。

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For a one-semester course, 1. This course provides the overview of TCP/IP, gives a fundamental description of the structure of the protocol architecture, and a basic explanation of how the protocols in this architecture function. 2. This material can enhance the students on the network management background for their engineering training. 3. Several hundreds of practical frames captured in real world are provided for the students to experience the real functioning of network protocols, and also to cultivate their capability for being a network administrator in the future.


For a one-semester course, 1. This course provides the overview of TCP/IP, gives a fundamental description of the structure of the protocol architecture, and a basic explanation of how the protocols in this architecture function. 2. This material can enhance the students on the network management background for their engineering training. 3. Several hundreds of practical frames captured in real world are provided for the students to experience the real functioning of network protocols, and also to cultivate their capability for being a network administrator in the future.



網路管理 [3,4年級 選修課]:Textbooks 教科書
書名:網路TCP/IP教本,修訂版 (2005年2月);ISBN 957-21-4826-5

Reference Materials: 參考文獻
1. L. Cann, Glitch turns into clue in this TCP/IP detective tale., Data Communications, pp.53-63, June 21, 1989.

2. W. Richard Stevens, TCP/IP Illustrated, The Protocols, Volume I , 1993.

3. B. Harris and R. Hunt, TCP/IP security threats and attack methods.
Computer Communications, Volume 22, Issue 10, 25 June 1999, Pages 885-897


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