100年第1學期-5060 食品社會學 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Comment Papers & Questions 30 同學應對指定閱讀做出系統性的整理、具體摘要性的敘述、文本中不同的論點或理論比較、或批判性的回應。另外同學應對文本提出2~4個問題(註明出處),供課堂上討論。
In-Class Participation 15 同學們上課時應踴躍發言,並藉此學習如何提出建設性的評論。學習仔細聆聽及觀察,從觀摩他人中以增長自己的研究技藝。(不要畏懼提問;記得,沒有所謂“愚蠢”的問題!)
Discussion Leader 10 整理同學們該週提出的大綱及問題,找出文本中的重點或盲點;也可提供自己的部分研究、寫作經驗或問題以利討論。要點是學習如何建立及帶領一友善且具啟發性的討論環境。
Final Paper & Presentation 45 12 font,15~20 pages,1.5行距,歡迎與老師討論報告主題。報告或計畫書的格式、內容及寫法會適時在課堂上解釋。


本課程名額為 70人,已有2 人選讀,尚餘名額68人。

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你今天要吃什麼?你吃的食物從哪裡來?它如何到達你的餐桌?誰替你準備這些食物? 如果你對這些問題感興趣,或已經在思考這些課題,那這門課或許可以提供部分答案。你會發現,我們對糧食的生產、運輸、準備及消費其實所知甚少,而環繞著這些活動的種種社會關係,正是這門課所要討論的主題。



Heffernan, William. 2008. “Agri/food System” Pp. 46-51 in Encyclopedia of Rural America edited by Gary Goreham. Millerton: Grey House Publishing.

Bonanno, Alessandro and Douglas H. Constance. 2008. “Agency and Resistance in the Sociology of Agriculture and Food” Pp. 29-43 in The Fight over Food: Producers, Consumers, and Activists Challenge the Global Food System edited by Wynne Wright and Gerad Middendorf. University Park, PA: the Pennsylvania State University Press.

Long, Norman. 2008. “Resistance, Agency, and Counterwork: A Theoretical Positioning” Pp. 69-89 in The Fight over Food: Producers, Consumers, and Activists Challenge the Global Food System edited by Wynne Wright and Gerad Middendorf. University Park, PA: the Pennsylvania State University Press.

Goodman, David. 1991. “Some Recent Tendencies in the Industrial Reorganization of the Agri-food system” Pp. 37-64 in Toward a New Political Economy of Agriculture edited by William Friedland, Lawrence Busch, Frederick Buttel, and Alan Rudy. Boulder: Westview.

Lewontin, R. C. 2000. “The Maturing of Capitalist Agriculture: Farmer as Proletarian” Pp. 93-106 in Hungry for Profit: The Agribusiness Threat to Farmers, Food, and the Environment edited by Fred Magdoff, John Bellamy Foster, and Frederick H. Buttel. New York: Monthly Review Press.

Friedmann, Harriet and Philip McMichael. 1989. “Agriculture and the State System: The Rise and Decline of National Agricultures, 1870 to the Present.” Sociologia Ruralis 29(2): 93-117.

Burch, David and Geoffrey Lawrence. 2009. “ Towards a Third Food Regime: Behind the Transformation.” Agriculture and Human Values 26:267–279.

Friedmann, Harriet. 2005. “From Colonialism to Green Capitalism: Social Movements and Emergence of Food Regimes” Pp. 227-264 in New Directions in the Sociology of Global Development edited by Frederick H. Buttel and Philip McMichael. Boston: Elsevier.

Dixon, Jane. 2009. “From the Imperial to the Empty Calorie: How Nutrition Relati


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