100年第2學期-0087 英文作文(一) 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
3 formal Assignments (including writing exercises) 60 1. example essay; 2. comparison-contrast essay; 3 causal analysis essay
Midterm exam 20
Final exam 20


本課程名額為 25人,已有20 人選讀,尚餘名額5人。

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Course Objectives Upon completing of this course, students should be able to: � Write polished, organized expository essays on familiar topics in an academic way; � Begin to recognize and produce writing for basic academic genres: a controlling idea (a topic sentence for a paragraph and a thesis statement for an essay), an organization pattern (such as example, comparison-contrast, and cause-effect), and support that shows unity with the controlling idea and logical order; � Use appropriate language suitable for the type of writing they are doing; � Understand writing is a creative process that includes prewriting, drafting, and revision.


Comp﹧Oral 1 is a required first-year writing and speaking course. The composition component, which introduces students to the writing process and to the conventions of written English, teaches students to write grammatically accurate sentences, well-formed paragraphs with clear topic sentences and supporting details, and coherent short essays. The oral component helps students improve their ability to communicate in accurate, fluent English. Written assignments may include journals, paragraphs, and short essays while oral assignments may include pronunciation exercises, role-play activities, panel discussions, group discussions, impromptu presentations, and planned speeches.



Refining Composition Skills: Rhetoric and Grammar, 6th edition, by Smalley, Ruetten, and Kozyrev


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