102年第1學期-1485 倫理價值與社會責任 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Ethics Case Presentation 60 Group Grading
Individual Writing Report 20
Classroom Support 10 Group Grading
Online Survey 10


本課程名額為 70人,已有126 人選讀,尚餘名額-56人。

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This course attempts to enhance the student's awareness of ethical values and social responsibility through group presentations of ethics cases in global business. Student performance also serves as direct evidence for achievement of the following learning goals (LGs) and learning objectives (LOs) that underlie the BBA program of the College of Management, Tunghai University. LG 1. Ethics and Social Responsibility LO 1-1 The students are able to illustrate ethical issues in business and describe implications for business leaders. LO 1-2 The students are able to demonstrate awareness of social responsibility. LG 2. Effective Communication LO 2-1 The students are able to employ a set of essential oral skills in Chinese and achieve effective communication in a business context. LO 2-2 The students are able to employ a set of essential writing skills in Chinese and achieve effective communication in a business context. LG 3. Effective Decision Making LO 3-2 The students are able to participate in and contribute to a team work. LG 5. Global Perspective and Sustainable Learning LO 5-1. The students are able to practice sustainable learning from a global perspective in the discipline they specialize.



There is no single textbook that fits this course. Lecture notes and supplemental material for in-class presentations are to be distributed following the progress of the course.


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