102年第1學期-1928 應用英文 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
In Class: Attendance, participation, quizzes 30
Assignments 10
Midterm Oral 10
Final Oral 10


本課程名額為 50人,已有50 人選讀,尚餘名額0人。

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By the end of the semester, students should be able to: a)Display their conversational ability by confidently talking with others in various English-speaking workplace and business situations. b)Display appreciation of culture differences when receiving foreign clients. c)Display ability to build and maintain professional business relations with foreign clients. d)Display ability to participate and communicate effectively in business meetings. e)Display ability to present themselves in English in a professional manner.


This is a course designed to provide students with an opportunity to develop both spoken and written English skills for business purpose. Through listening to the tape , group discussion, role play and speaking with various activities, and reading and writing on business topics and themes, students will build practical language skills they will need to communicate effectively in English for their major as well as for their future careers. Students could also learn skills for attending TOEIC test.



1. Get Ready for International Business B1 Student’s book 2 by Andrew Vaughan & Dorothy E. Zemach
2. Supplementary class materials: handouts from the instructor.
3. Online Resources: Moodle e-learning platform


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