102年第1學期-6474 女性主義與社會工作 課程資訊


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出缺席與課程參與 30
口頭報告 30
書面報告 40


本課程名額為 70人,已有6 人選讀,尚餘名額64人。

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1. Nan Van Den Bergh ed.(1998) Feminist Practice in the 21st Century. Washington DC: National Association of Social Workers.

2. Dominelle, L. (2002) Theorising Feminist Social Work Practice. In Feminist Social Work Theory and Practice. Chapter Introduction, 1-3. P. 1-83. New York: Palgrave Publishers Ltd.

3. Everett, J. E., Homstead, K., & Drisko, J. (2007) Frontline Worker Perceptions of the Empowerment Process in Community-Based Agencies. Social Work, 52(20), 161-170.

4. Nes, J. A., & Iadicola, P. (1989) Toward a Definition of Feminist Social Work: A Comparison of Liberal, Radical, and Socialist Models. Social Work, 34(1), 12-21.

5. Bricker-Jenkins, M., Hooyman, N. R., & Gottlieb, N. (1991) Feminist Social Work Practice in Clinical Settings. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

6. Besthorn, F. H., & McMillen, D. P. (2002) The Oppression of Women and Nature: Ecofeminism as a Framework for an Expanded Ecological Social Work. Families in Society, 83(3), 221-232.

7. 紀駿傑(民92年) 生態女性主義:連結性別壓迫與物種壓迫的女性主義觀點. 女學學誌, 第16期.

8. Chen, M. B. (1998) Perceptions of Power in Client/Worker Relationships. Families in Society, July-August, 433-442.

9. Yip, Kam-shing (2004) The Empowerment Model: A Critical Reflection of Empowerment in Chinese Culture. Social Work, 49(3), 479-487.

10. 劉珠利 (民95年) 女性性別角色與社會工作. 台北: 雙葉書廊.

11. 劉珠利 (2012) 創傷女性與社會工作處遇模式--人際取向、協同合作、反壓迫。台北: 雙葉書廊.

12. 黃淑玲 游美惠 (2012) 性別向度與台灣社會。 台北:巨流圖書公司。

13. Danso, R. (2007) Emancipating and Empowering De-Valued Skilled
Immigrants: What Hope Does Anti-Oppressive Social Work practice
Offer? British Journal of Social Work, 1-17.


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