102年第2學期-1494 跨國經營管理實務 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
學生報告及討論表現 Student performance in Reporting and discussing 30
期中考 Midterm exam. 30
期末考 End exam 40


本課程名額為 70人,已有50 人選讀,尚餘名額20人。

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跨國企業管理之實務之教育,乃在訓練學生能在全球化下,面對全球文化之差異,及經營條件之變化,克服經營之困難,進而創造更有利的商機,並培養創新的能力, 本課程,偏重實務之訓練以及管理之技巧,使學生能在學習後可面對國際企業經營之挑戰,而無問題,鑑於跨國之經營,在操作上必須使用熟練之英文,故本課程教學與討論及作業均以英文為主,並配合案例.實務之探討,使學生能進入真實之跨國經營之氣氛中 在實務探討中,擴及歐.美.日.之先進國家之案例外,更涉及新興經濟國家,如:東協諸國,中東及中南美各國之案例研究,其中特別強調在企業文化差異中,能規劃理想經營策略及 執行方案實務之能力 The study and practice for the Transnational Corp Management is to educate the students the knowledge for the governance for TNC and the skill for the actual management. It is also designed to cultivate the students’ abilities to face the tide of globalization and conquer the difficulties from the business across different countries and cultures to create business opportunities. Meanwhile the ability for innovation is to be trained. The practice of management operation is specially emphasized not only the understanding of related theories but also the skill in programing strategy and tactics. The actual cases-study is to cover not only the cases from economy advanced countries such as Japan, USA and EU countries, but also the newly economy developed countries such as the countries in Asia Pacific, S.America and Russia as well. To adjust the strategies to match the difference of business cultures across these countries and master the skill for an activated management are the points to be covered in the frame- work.


培養跨國企業經營之能力 從面對異質之社會,民族及企業文化,建構必要之經營策略, 必須重視跨國經營管理之特性及作業之技巧. 舉凡由跨國企業組織開始並擴及競爭力之創造,其中物流管理實務,及有效之資訊技術之運用,亦為教學之重點, 在跨國財務之操作之規劃不但須重視財務風險規避之要領更要追求財務之利得. The course plan is designed for cultivating the ability for students in programing the strategies to face the different countries and business cultures To understand the feature of T N C and skills in business operation are firstly emphasized , and the analysis of the methods to organize the TNC is also to be covered. The strategies to create a global competitiveness by mastering the practice of logistics operation and information technology application are necessary to be covered The skill for handling international financial operation are programed in the course, to enable the students to master the financial risk –hedging .



(一)世界有關文獻 ( the related papers)
(二)本教師編撰講義( teacher’s lectures)


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