102年第2學期-2173 家庭與社會不平等 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
課程參與與出席 20
小組Warm up 20
期中考 30
小組學期報告 30


本課程名額為 60人,已有37 人選讀,尚餘名額23人。

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本課程主要探討家庭與社會不平等之間的關係,家庭與不平等之間的關係本質是現代社會中的核心議題。本課程希望從社會階層研究與家庭社會學的交匯處,討論家庭與社會不平等之間的關聯。某種程度來說,我們身之所繫的家庭將影響我們生活的發展軌跡與生活福祉。我將在這門課程中嘗試從四個部分來討論家庭與社會不平等的關係:家庭間與家庭內的資源不均與形成、家庭內關係的不平等、家庭再製不平等的過程、以及多元家庭的社會處境。本課程希望藉此給予學生一個從社會階層理解家庭制度的視角。本課程上課的方式,前面1-2小時主要以老師授課為主,但是修課學生需要分組輪流蒐集每週主題的相關素材warm up第3小時的課堂討論。



1. Cohen, Philip N., and Danielle MacCartney. 2003. “Inequality and the Family.”
2. Sheshinski, Eytan, and Yoram Weiss. 1982. “Inequality Within and Between Families.” Journal of Political Economy 90(1): 105-127.
3.Mare, Robert D. and Christine R. Schwartz. 2006. “Educational Assortative Mating and the Family Background of the Next Generation.” Sociological Theory and Methods 21(2): 253-278.
4.Xu, Xiaohe, and Shu-Chuan Lai. 2002. “Resources, Gender Ideologies, and Marital Power: The Case of Taiwan.” Journal of Family Issues 23(2): 209-245.
5.Kalmijn, Matthijs, 2006. “Educational Inequality and Family Relationship: Influences on Contact and Proximity.” European Sociological Review 22(1): 1-16.
6.Yu,Wei-Hsin, and Kuo-Hsien Su. 2006. “Gender, Sibship Structure, and, Educational Inequality in Taiwan: Son Preference Revisited.” Journal of Marriage and the Family 68(4): 1057-1068.
7.Lareau, Anettte. 2003. Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life. Berkeley: University of California Press.
8.Lareau, Anette and Amanda Cox. 2011. “Social Class and Transition to Adulthood: Differences in Parents’ Interaction with Institution.” Pp. 134-164 in Social Class and Changing Families in an Unequal America, edited by Marcia Carlson and Paula England. Standford: Standford University Press.
9.Potter, Daniel, and Josipa Roska. 2013. “Accumulating Advantages over Time: Family Experiences and Social Class Inequality in Academic Achievement.” Social Science Research 42: 1018-1032.
10.王永慈,2005,〈外籍與大陸配偶家庭之貧窮分析〉。《臺灣社會工作學刊》4: 1-32。


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