102年第2學期-2843 表現技法(一) 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
出席與平時表現 30
平時作業 9次 70 繳交時間上課公佈


本課程名額為 50人,已有49 人選讀,尚餘名額1人。

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1.認識設計表現技法的特質與範疇。 2.了解設計中表現技法的重要性,啓發學生學習興趣。 3.熟悉其設計的表現形式,培養創新能力。


It is a target that students have the ability to be freely expressible of own idea by the sketch through the study of this course. As one of the idea creation tools of the designer, the sketch and the rendering of two dimensions are necessary and indispensable in the design development process. Sketches can be concisely expressible and progress a lot of ideas in a short time. Moreover, it is very effective as the communications tool with others. The drawing method is acquired through the practice. Drawing is done by the free hand. Content of acquisition are the following. 1.Thumbnail sketch 2.Idea sketch 3.Concept sketch 4.Perspective sketch 5.Elevation sketch 6.Rendering. The student can sequentially study widely from a basic content to an advanced content. In the design class that studies at the same time, the student can utilize the technique. Moreover, a basic ability to the CG drawing is supported. The class progresses in the next three steps. The teacher submits the subject first. Next, the student does the individual training (homework). Finally, the teacher evaluates it. Eight total subjects will be executed in two weeks of one subject.



1. 呂豪文,設計表現技法,全華圖書 2. 羅劍、李羽,工業設計手繪 表現技法X提案技巧,松崗


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