103年第2學期-3088 An Economic and Cultural History 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Midterm exam 期中考 20
Final exam 期末考 20
Weekly class attendance and classroom behavior 出席及上課表現 20
Term project (written) 書面報告 20


本課程名額為 70人,已有19 人選讀,尚餘名額51人。
本課程可網路登記,目前已登記人數為 2 人,選上機率為99.9%

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Randall Nadeau


Taiwan in Western Eyes 台湾在西方的心目中 Tunghai University International College 東海大學國際學院 Spring 2015 Professor: Randall Nadeau那原道, Ph.D. Chair, Department of Religion 比較宗教系系主任 Trinity University三一大學 San Antonio, TX, USA Part I: Early Contacts 西方歷史觀點中的台灣 Taiwan under the Spanish (1626-1642) and the Dutch (1624-1662) Taiwan under Koxinga 鄭成功 (1662-1683) Taiwan, China, and the Western Powers in the Qing Dynasty (1683-1895) -- Taiwan's role in inter-regional Western mercantile activities -- colonialism and military expansion in the 18th and 19th centuries -- George Leslie Mackay and the missionary movement of the 19th century Part II: The Modern and Contemporary Periods Japan and the Western Powers (1895-1945) World War II and its Aftermath: The Truman / Eisenhower Administrations (1945-1961) Taiwan and the Vietnam War: The Kennedy / Johnson Administrations (1961-1969) Taiwan and American Geopolitics: The Nixon / Ford Administrations (1969-1977) The Taiwan Relations Act (1979) US-Taiwan Relations since 1979 Part III: Taiwan in Modern American Scholarship



Melissa J. Brown, Is Taiwan Chinese? The Impact of Culture, Power, and Migration on Changing Identities


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