104年第1學期-2713 樂曲研究:鋼琴 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Midterm and Final 80 The main portion of the course grade will be from the midterm and final which will consist of multiple choice questions, listening exam and a major essay.
Listening Examinations 20 These smaller examinations will take place at various times throughout the semester. Unlike the midterm and final, they are purely listing exams.


本課程名額為 70人,已有22 人選讀,尚餘名額48人。

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Thomas Linde


The purpose of this course is to establish a basic understanding and knowledge of keyboard music from the late Baroque era (c.1700-c.1750) through the Classical era (c. 1750-c.1825). Students will study some of the most important composers of those times and some of their representative pieces. The most important objective is to learn the basic style characteristics of each composer and to understand how they transformed throughout their compositional careers. By the end of the course, the student will, hopefully, be able to understand the differences between, for example, a keyboard sonata of Franz Josef Haydn (1732-1809) and one by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791). They should also be have an understanding of how the compositional style of a composer such as Beethoven transformed throughout his career. The course will also discuss the various types of instruments used in the late Baroque and Classical eras and how they might effect the interpretations of modern performers. Not least, it is the purpose of this course to introduce the students to some of the great masterpieces of the keyboard literature. Aspects of structure, harmony and rhythm will be discussed in order that the students know why these works are both great and have endured throughout the centuries.



The Art of Keyboard Playing by C. P. E. Bach

The History of Keyboard Literature by Stewart Gordon


Naxos Website


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