104年第1學期-6150 管理英文選讀 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Homework and Quiz (作業與小考) 30
Presentation (口頭與書面報告) 40
Attendance and participation (出席與參與) 30


本課程名額為 50人,已有14 人選讀,尚餘名額36人。

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To stay out in front, today’s business managers must have a solid knowledge of management and good command of English. This course is designed to equip students with the state of the art knowledge of the modern business world and to enhance student’s business English ability. We will read a variety of articles to help students gain insights about the most recent development of the industry, market, company, product, finance, strategy, leadership, and innovation, etc.


值此國際化與自由化之知識經濟時代,良好的英語能力與紮實的企管知識,是現代企管人保持競爭優勢的關鍵核心能力。本課程將閱讀一系列的英文管理文章,學習有關市場、產品、財經、與策略…等最新企業發展與管理新知。同學應對自己有高度期許,勇於接受挑戰,並能持之以恆。 To stay out in front, today’s business managers must have a solid knowledge of management and good command of English. This course is designed to equip students with the state of the art knowledge of the modern business world and to enhance student’s business English ability. We will read a variety of articles to help students gain insights about the most recent development of the industry, market, company, product, finance, strategy, leadership, and innovation, etc.



Textbook (課本)
1) English for your career
2) Email English

Handout (講義)
1) Wall Street Journal (華爾街日報)
2) Financial Times (金融時報)
3) Economist (經濟學人)
4) Harvard Business Review (哈佛商業評論)
5) Sloan Management Review (史隆管理評論)


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