104年第2學期-3696 二年德文 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Mitarbeit 課堂上表現 20 課堂參與、家庭作業、線上教學平台、小考
Lerntagebuch 學習日誌 10 用老師提供的WORD範本固定(每一到兩周一次)寫學習日誌記錄個人學習心得,計畫,方法等;在期中考和期末考前一週把填好的檔案在教學平台上上傳給老師.
Facebook-Gruppe FB社團 10 固定發表貼文和留言(每兩周針對當期主題發表一篇貼文,並在另外兩位團員發表的貼文下面留言)並把自己的貼文和留言固定存下來,加上發表日期, 用老師提供的WORD範本整理成文件檔,在期中考和期末考前一週把填好的檔案在教學平台上上傳給老師.期中考前四次貼文和八次留言.期末考前也是四次貼文和八次留言.
Anwesenheit 出席 10 最高分數為10分,每缺席一堂,從10分扣一分.因正當理由而缺席並提出證明者,則不扣分.
Mittsemesterpruefung 期中考試 25 muendliche Pruefung und Klausur; 口試和筆試
Semesterpruefung 期末考試 25 muendliche Pruefung und Klausur; 口試和筆試


本課程名額為 40人,已有30 人選讀,尚餘名額10人。

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- increasing vocabulary and grammar knowledge - furthering listening and reading comprehension - enabling students to express themselves in more complex sentences and paragraphs in oral and written form by strengthening their understanding and usage of sentence structures - providing further cultural / regional background - strengthening interaction between students and developing collaborative skills


German II is an intermediate level course for those who already have a basic knowledge and understanding of the German language, and who also know a few facts about Germany and other German-speaking countries. The course is taught, for a good part, in German and gradually makes use of more complex sentence structures. Students are tested on listening comprehension, grammar, cultural background, and reading and writing.



1. studio [21] Das Deutschbuch. A1. (Funk/Kuhn 2013; 德國 Cornelsen 出版社) ISBN: 978-3-06-520526-9 (由敦煌書局代理進口) -- 書籍特色:附上DVD和網路密碼,只要有網路可以隨時隨地看課本內容,並做相關的練習,讓學德文變成一件更輕鬆有趣的事。
2. studio [21] Glossar Deutsch-Chinesisch (德中詞彙) ISBN: 978-3-06-520564-1 (由敦煌書局代理進口)
3. studio [21] Audio-CDs (聽力) ISBN: 978-3-06-520524-5 (由敦煌書局代理進口)
4. Facebook-Gruppe: Herr Sablotny的德文教室

a. other materials prepared by the teachers of the German section
b. online material related to course contents
c. www.cornelsen.de


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