105年第2學期-3382 社會:歐盟的危機與挑戰:債務與民主 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
報告 25
期中考 25
期末考 25
出席 25


本課程名額為 50人,已有48 人選讀,尚餘名額2人。

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This course is designed for undergraduate students, who are interested in acquiring general knowledge of what is going on in the EU crisis and want to advance their analytical skill. The course familiarises students with the impacts of EU crisis in international affairs. It will lead students to explore the following puzzles: why the Euro debt crisis happened in South Europe but not in East Europe? why European elites want Greek to leave the Euro but cannot afford it? why is Euroscepticism rising in many EU member states and changing their domestic politics? and how do we understand the tragedy of Charlie Hebdo shooting? ■ 課程內涵 (Course Contents) In fact, EU integration has caused the EU crisis indirectly. Therefore, the assigned literature examines different aspects of the involvement of the EU in the world arena. Although the EU is neither a traditional sovereign state nor a typical international organisation, it has achieved a miracle in the history of international relations. It cooperates with the United States and China to constitute the current world order. Interestingly, the UK, Germany and France have joined the AIIB which created by China, but why the US opposed it? The class ends with a discussion of the consequences of the ongoing crisis for Global Financial Governance.



Michael Pettis, The Great Rebalancing: Trade, Conflict, and the Perilous Road Ahead for the World Economy,(Princeton University Press: 2013).


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