105年第2學期-7049 論文設計 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
平時表現 - Weekly attendence 20
創意表現 - Sense of creativity 20
編輯表現 - Editing performance 20
設計論述 - Discourse in-depth 40


本課程名額為 70人,已有6 人選讀,尚餘名額64人。

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1. 設計作品之書寫之論述性應展現邏輯觀念 2. 設計表現之書寫之嚴謹性應具備清晰語彙 3. 設計作品之編輯之創意性應傳達個人風格 4. 設計作品之編輯之設計性應塑造特殊質感 1. Logistics of discourse in student’s design thesis should be clarified. 2. Text writing style should be readable and rigorous. 3. The editing style of the project works should express personal creative expression. 4. The thesis work should exhibit high quality by each student.1. 設計作品著作之章節、格式、插圖、版面等編輯模式 2. 設計作品著作之個人語彙與風格傳達等原創表現觀念 3. 設計作品著作之品質、內涵、編輯等所呈現之實驗性 1. The content, chapter, graphics, and style of format should be properly edited in each student’s work. 2. Personal style of expression on text writing, editing, and format should be have creative quality. 3. All works of projects should convey the spirit of experimental and cutting age idea in the thesis work.





1. Brett Steele, 2006, EXPERIMENTAATION: AA Projects Review 05/06, AA Publications, London, UK.
2. Frederic Migayrou & Marcos Cruz, 2012, THE BARTLETT: MArch GRADUATE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN
2011/2012, Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, London, UK.
3. Peter Cook, Iain Borden, Laura Allen and Rachel Stevenson, Mar 2003, Bartlett Works: Architecture Buildings
Projects, August Projects Ltd. London.
4. Cruz Marcos, Colletti Marjan, 2005, Cons2quence: Marcosandmarjan-Interfaces/Intrafaces,
SpringerWienNewYork, Austria.


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