本課程已於 2017-09-15停開

106年第1學期-3331 自然:健康、環境、風險與法律 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明


本課程名額為 55人,已有33 人選讀,尚餘名額22人。
本課程可網路登記,目前已登記人數為 105 人,選上機率為20%

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本課程希望能於帶領學生從了解風險的概念入門,學習風險管理、風險溝通、預防原則等制度與概念,並透過探討在國內引發高度關切與爭議性的香菸、傳染病、核能、美國牛肉與基因改造產品等風險相關議題,學習區分風險與民眾恐慌,以了解不同類型風險的內涵與管理模式,進而掌握相關法規的本質與內涵。本課主要探討如何管理與健康、環境相關的風險,除介紹風險的定義,零風險或利益平衡與成本,與風險管理、風險溝通的主要模式外,並介紹在國際間越發重要的風險預防原則的內涵與引發的爭議。就風險議題定性與分類上,將一般通稱的"風險"分做三種主要類型,並分別佐以與我國相關的風險爭議進行探討。這三類風險風險分別是具有實質危害性的風險、欠缺足夠科學證據協助判斷與管理的風險型態,與公眾高度疑慮、恐慌卻未必有真實立論基礎的"風險"議題。不同的風險管理機制與難題也將在課程中被逐一處理與探討。 This course attends to provide students the definition of risk, the concepts and mechanisms of risk management, risk communications, and precautionary principle. Through addressing the health and environmental related risk such as cigarette, infectious diseases, nuclear power, food safety and US beef, and GMO, which are recently concerned and debated in Taiwan, students will learn to distinguish risk from fear with no sound ground. In addition, students are expected to understand the effective means to deal with the various types of "risk," and the nature of relevant laws and regulations.



Cass R. Sunstein, Laws of Fear, 2005
Patrick O'Mahony(ed.) Nature, Risk and Responsibility, 1999
Kenneth R. Foster et al (eds.) Phantom Risk, 1999
Carlo C. Jaeger, Ortwin Renn, Eugene A Rosa and Thomas Webler, Risk, Uncertainty and Rational Action, 2001
Paul Slovic(ed.), The Perception of Risk, 2000
Henry N. Pollack, Uncertain Science…Uncertain World, 2003


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