106年第1學期-5881 零售管理 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Mid-term exam 30
Final exam 30
Group Project 25
Class participation 5
Individual assignment 10


本課程名額為 70人,已有6 人選讀,尚餘名額64人。

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Lina Salim


In this exceptionally competitive environment, the majority of retailers are still small to medium sized businesses – many operated by entrepreneurs with little training or education for the task. To survive, operators continually need managers who are familiar with retail operations to survive and become profitable. Students will develop a retail plan that is competitive in the environment that they choose (Taichung or another geographic location). Specifically, the course will enable students to develop a retail plan that will include: ● An initial proposal of retail type and geographic area ● A complete analysis of the target audience – demographics, psychographics, and benefits ● Store location analysis – it may be anywhere in the world. ● Store layout and design – internal and external elements ● Develop an assortment and merchandise mix (fill the store with merchandises) ● Develop a promotional plan to communicate your strengths and benefits to the consumer ● Inclusion of a human resource plan for staffing the right people at the right time ● A pricing and financial section – including the development of pro-forma statements (students can create plans to develop any retail establishments in any chosen locations)



Self-compiled textbooks


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