106年第2學期-1440 會計學 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Midterm exam 30
Final exam 30
Participation/ Attendance 15
Quizzes/ Assignments 25


本課程名額為 85人,已有86 人選讀,尚餘名額-1人。

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鍾宇軒 林修葳


The course begins with an introduction to accounting terminology, accounting procedures, and the primary financial statements. The remaining class sessions are devoted to an in-depth discussion of the accounting for important components of financial statements (e.g., inventories, long-term obligations), followed by a detailed introduction to the analysis of financial statements.


會計學(一) (3-3學分) 先修課程:無 課程概述 上學期: 一、將企業融資、投資及營業三大活動,量化成會計資訊 二、會計資訊應具備之品質特性 三、一般公認會計原則,以及財務報表之認列與衡量之依據 四、借貸法則 五、會計循環-分錄、過帳、試算、調整、結帳、編表 六、溝通-會計四大報表之認識與解讀 七、融資活動(資金取得)-股本、股利、長期負債 下學期: 八、投資活動(資金用途)-固定資產、無形資產及投資。 九、營業活動(資金回收及獲利)-存貨、應收帳款、現金、應付帳款 十、二率一週期:資產報酬率、權益報酬率及淨營業週期 十一、現金流量表之編製



*Earl K. Stice, James D. Stice, W. Steve Albrecht, Monte R. Swain, Rong-Ruey Duh, Audrey Wenhsin Hsu . 2017. Principles of Financial Accounting IFRS Edition, Second Edition, Cengage Learning (東華書局代理,上課用書)
*Wild J. J.,K. W. Shaw,B. Chiappetta, and W. Kwok, 2017, Financial Accounting: Information for Decisions IFRS, McGraw Hill Education (華泰書局代理)
*Weygandt J. J., P. D. Kimmel, and D. E. Kieso (with contributions from: Hsiou-Wei Lin and Chuan-San Wang), 2018, Financial Accounting: IFRS, Wiley Custom Edition, John Wiley. (滄海書局代理)


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