106年第2學期-2715 藝術歌曲研究 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
課堂參與度 10 含上課出席率、是否準時出席、課堂參與度
讀書報告 10 共兩份
歌曲演唱 及節目單撰寫 20 課堂演唱兩次、另有期中發表及期末發表各自選兩首。期中及期末發表曲目須含約300字的節目單曲目解說
曲目作業 60 Listening Assignments 共四份


本課程名額為 70人,已有9 人選讀,尚餘名額61人。

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課程目標 Course Objective:聲樂作品並不只限於歌劇曲目,更包括藝術歌曲、神劇、室內樂作品等。藝術歌曲 (Art Song)一詞特指使用精緻的文學作品為詞、經過作曲家們精心雕琢的、極富藝術性的聲樂曲。此課程依作曲家的時期及特色分為不同單元,第一學期涵蓋英、義、西班牙文,第二學期涵蓋德、法文的重要聲樂作品及風格。此課程以課堂講授、名家錄音聆賞及實際習唱並行,使同學具備聲樂作品的背景知識及訓練獨立研究能力。 Vocal work covers not only the commonly heard operatic repertoire but art songs, oratorios, and vocal camber works. The term “art song” refers to songs that use refined literary works and is artistically crafted by composers. The course is designed according to the period and the style of representative song composers, offering knowledge of song literature in English, Italian, and Spanish in the first semester, and song literature in German, and French in the second semester.



Abraham, Gerald. 1968. The Age of Humanism, 1540‐1630. London, New York, Oxford University Press.
Bernac, Pierre. The Interpretation of French Song. Winifred Radford, trans. NY: W. W. Norton & Company, 1970.
Fischer‐Dieskau, Dietrich. The Fischer‐Dieskau book of lieder. NY : Knopf, 1977.
Kimball, Carol. Song: A Guide to Style and Literature. 2nd ed. WI: Hal Leonard, 2006.
Oxford Music Online: http://www.oxfordmusiconline.com
Sams, Eric. The songs of Robert Schumann. London, Methuen, 1969.


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