106年第2學期-2927 土地使用計劃 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
期中考 30
期末考 30
學期報告 40


本課程名額為 70人,已有20 人選讀,尚餘名額50人。

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韓 乾


本課程的主要目的在於介紹現代土地使用規劃與管制的基本理念、思想與模式。讓學生知道什麼是理想的土地管理、環境景觀規劃、城鄉規劃。期望他(她)在上課或未來從事實際專業工作時,能夠知道什麼是理想的土地使用模式,以營造良好品質的城鄉生活環境。正如耶魯大學校長理查·萊文(Richard Charles Levin)所說:真正的教育不傳授任何知識和技能,卻能令人勝任任何學科和職業。所以本課程不在於教導學生有關土地使用規劃與管制的方法與技術,而在於介紹學生有關土地使用規劃與管制的基本理念與想法。因為方法與技術是會隨著時間改變的,而理念與想法是會傳之久遠的。



Berke , Philip R., et al., Urban Land use Planning, 5th. edition, University of Illinois
Press, 2006. 中譯:薩支平,都市土地使用計畫,五南,2009。

Birch, Eugenie L., and Susan M. Wachter, Edited by, Growing Greener Cities: Urban Sustainability in the Twenty-First Century, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008.

Birkeland, Janis, Design for Sustainability: A Sourcebook of Integrated Eco-logical
Solutions , Earthscan Publications, 2002.

Carmona, Matthew, Tim Heath, Taner Oc and Steven Tiesdell, Urban Places—Urban Spaces: The Dimensions of Urban Design, Architectural Press, 2003.

Faludi, Andreas, ed., European Spatial Planning, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2002.

Hall, Kenneth B., Jr., and Gerald A. Porterfield, Community by Design, McGraw-Hill, 2001.

Howard, Ebenezer, Garden Cities of Tomorrow, The MIT Press, 1965.

Kaiser, Edward J., David R. Godschalk, and F. Stuart Chapin, Urban Land Use Planning, 4th.ed., University of Illinois Press,1995.

Knaap, Gerrit and Arthur C. Nelson, The Regulated Landscape, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 1993.

Kostof, Spiro, The City Shaped: Urban Patterns and Meanings Through History, Little, Brown and Company, 1991.

Landry, Charles, The Art of City Making, Earthscan, 2008. 2006.

Landry, Charles, The Creative City: A Toolkit for Urban Innovators, Second Edition, Earthscan, 2008.

McHarg, Ian L., Design with Nature, Doubleday &Company, Inc. 1971.

Mumford, Lewis, The Culture of Cities, Harcourt Brace & Company, 1938, 1970.

Olmsted, Frederick Law, Civilizing American Cities: Writings on City Landscapes, Da Capo Press, 1997.

Porter, Douglas R., Patrick L. Phillips and Terry J. Lassar, Flexible Zoning: How it Works, The Urban Land Institute, 1991.

Randolph, John, Environmental Land Use Planning and Management, Second Edition, Island Press, 2012.

Ravetz, Joe, City Region 2020: Integrated Planning for a Sustainable Environment, Earthscan Publications, LTD., 2000.

Shaw, Jane


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