本課程已於 2020-03-13停開

108年第2學期-3718 女性、性别和性研究入門課程 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明


本課程名額為 30人,已有14 人選讀,尚餘名額16人。

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Elizabeth Hopta


Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: 1. use the English vocabulary and phrases presented in the class; 2. apply critical thinking skills to discuss issues in their lives; and 3. discuss meaningful topics and personal experiences to show a deeper understanding of their lives.


This course will make you think about how gender is formed by society. Why do we view women as “homemakers” and why do we view men as “breadwinners?” Why do we raise women to become wives? Is that fair or not? This class will bring an international perspective to women’s issues around the world. How is life different for women in America versus women in Taiwan? How is life the same? It will also an international perspective on LGBTQ+ issues. What issues do LGBTQ+ people face? This class will make you think about issues around the world. In this class, you will discuss these issues with your classmates and think about ways to solve these issues. What can you do? Should you do anything? In this class, please be prepared to use the English language to discuss scholarly work.



Teacher-generated handouts


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