108年第2學期-3732 英文口語表達及簡報技巧 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
In-class Participation 20 attendance, discussions and sharing
Assignments 20
Peer Feedback 10
Presentations 50 twice


本課程名額為 25人,已有24 人選讀,尚餘名額1人。

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本課程適合想要加強口語表達能力與英文簡報技巧的學習者。透過結合生活體驗的課堂活動,幫助你從不敢、不會講,進階到自信而流暢的日常溝通。並以循序漸進的方式建構你的英文簡報技巧。除了有系統地介紹簡報和演說的基本策略外,內容還包括豐富又實用的英語簡報必備用語,有效奠定你的口語表達技巧及英語簡報力! On completion of the course, students should be able to 1. well prepare and make English presentations; 2. clearly express themselves in English on various daily-life topics; 3. well engage and lead the audience to follow their oral presentations; and 4. express and communicate their ideas in English more confidently.


This course is designed for students with a freshman English proficiency level or above to enhance their English proficiency and oral presentation skills. The instructor provides basic training in listening and speaking skills, using a variety of topics that highlight different features of spoken English. In addition, students will engage in frequent oral activities and assignments and give two major oral presentations. With well-organized guidance and sufficient oral practice, it is hoped that students are able to improve their oral presentation skills and develop confidence to express themselves on topics related to personal experiences.



1. Steven Gershon (2015). Present Yourself 1: Experiences. Cambridge University Press.
2. Handout distributed in class.
3. Online TED talks.


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