108年第2學期-6855 餐旅文創研究 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
出席率與課堂互動 30 課堂出席 (20%)與課堂互動(10%)
期末報告 40 期末報告(書面、口頭報告) 10/Jun/2020 11:00am前上傳教學平台。期末報告主題 「選擇一國內外餐旅文創相關餐廳、旅館與地方觀光結合之主題。」字體12、標楷體1.5行距(封面+內文共6頁) 報告當天請繳交各一份投影片(PPT檔)及書面報告,口頭報告時間15 分鐘含 Q&A
聽講感想 I & II 30 電影、美學、建築、書籍等個人心得分享紙本 (500 字 ), 口頭報告 5分鐘


本課程名額為 16人,已有8 人選讀,尚餘名額8人。

登入後可進行最愛課程追蹤 [按此登入]。






The cultural and creative industries have been seen to become increasingly important to economic especially in hospitality of Taiwan. In the fast changing market, is challenged by a number of important issues. It must take advantage of its own strengths to re-organize the industrial chain, create demands and formulate marketing strategy through multi-disciplinary cooperation. The module of hospitality for cultural and creative industry focuses on how the hospitality sector itself is understood and functions in practice. However, the aim of this module are 1) to examine the application of marketing theory to cultural hospitality industries 2) to introduce and explore the significance of hospitality marketing, 3) to analyze the role of marketing in the public, private and non-profit sectors of cultural industries 4) to provide an understanding of the tools and techniques required to design a marketing plan in the cultural hospitality sector, 5) to develop an understanding of the cultural industries audiences. This module will help student to develop a better understanding of the cultural industry, both conceptually and empirically and in organizational, spatial and historical terms. Students will obtain the knowledge of key concepts and theoretical models of culture and creative in hospitality after completion this course.



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