108年第2學期-7002 音樂治療應用於溝通障礙 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
文獻閱讀報告 20
文獻閱讀書寫 20
期中考 30
期末考 40


本課程名額為 10人,已有5 人選讀,尚餘名額5人。

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本課程目標在瞭解並分辨溝通障礙的生理與心理肇因, 運用音樂治療技巧協助改善溝通障礙者除生理限制以外的表達方式,實質內涵是協助溝通障礙者能有具人性及生活品質的介入服務。



Bhatnagar, S. C. (2013). Neuroscience for the study of communication disorders (4th ed.), PA: Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a Wolters Kluwer business.

報告A:Jackendoff, R., & Lerdahl, F. (2006). - The capacity for music: What is it, and what’s special about it? Cognition, 100, 33-72.
報告B:Besson, M., Schön, D., Moreno, S., Santos, A., & Magne, C. (2007). Influence of musical expertise and musical training on pitch processing in music and language. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 25, 399-410.
報告C:Schirmer A., Kotz, S. A. (2006). Beyond the right hemisphere: Brain mechanisms mediating vocal emotional processing. TRENDS in Cognitive Science, 10(1), 25-30.
報告D:Thompson, W. F., Schellenberg, E. Glenn, & Husain, G. (2004). Decoding speech prosody: Do music lessons help? Emotion, 4(1), 46-64.
報告E:Tillmann, B., & Bigand, E. (2015). Response: A commentary on: “Neural overlap in processing music and speech”, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9, 1-3. (需自行另擇相關文獻增補)
報告F:Zatorre, R. J., Belin, P., & Penhune, V. B. (2002). Structure and function of auditory cortex: Music and speech. TRENDS in Cognitive Science, 6(1), 37-46.
報告G:Nicholson, J. M., Berthelsen, D., Abad, V., & Williams, K. (2008). Impact of music therapy to promote positive parenting and child development. Journal of Health Psychology, 13(2), 226-238.


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