109年第1學期-1433 TED商業英語 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Daily assignments and participation 50 Homework, reading, in-class activities and learning sheets, others.
Speech 30 2 graded speeches
Teamwork & others 10 Teamwork and projects
Assessments 10 Self-Evaluation and Peer Assessments


本課程名額為 40人,已有30 人選讀,尚餘名額10人。

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課程目標是培養學生的跨域多元學習與口語表達為核心素養。 課程之設計為幫助學生透過學習的過程,建立自信心與膽識的鍛鍊;從自我探索,建立與他人合作的良好互動關係;接觸與瞭解世界正在發生甚麼,學習主動關注,閱讀與世界經濟發展與產業趨勢相關議題。在磐石般的專業知識奠定上,促進學生的跨文化認知能力與國際溝通能力。 This course challenges students to see things from new perspectives and allows them to be flexible and nimble. At here, students start by knowing something, then wrestle with it, connect it to other things, see it differently. Whether we're talking in a team meeting or presenting in front of an audience, we all have to speak in public from time to time. In short, being a good public speaker can enhance your reputation, boost your self-confidence, and open up countless opportunities.


This course has evolved to require students to spend substantial time on subjects like cultures, economics, environments, arts, and history. In these classes, our students learn how individuals, organizations, and nations act on their desires and concerns. They gain historical perspectives, critical thinking skills, cultural understandings that help them collaborate with people across the globe, as well as communication skills that enable them to listen, explain, and inspire. They learn that most human situations defy a single correct answer, that life itself is rarely, if ever, as clear as an elegant equation.



Selected TED Talk;
Career Express;
A to A+ Social;


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