109年第1學期-2815 Business Policy 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Individual assignment and class participation 25 Individual Assignment: 20%, 1 point will be deducted for every absence without permission
Mid-term Exam 25
Teamwork Presentation 25
Final Exam 25


本課程名額為 70人,已有63 人選讀,尚餘名額7人。

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1. Analyzing and writing a case study analysis. SWOT checklist and analysis. Business Policy 2. Strategic Leadership. Superior performance, Competitive Advantage, and business model. Levels of Strategic 3. External Analysis: Identification of Opportunities and Threats. Porter’ s Competitive Forces Model. 4. Internal Analysis: Resources and Competitive Advantage. Competitive Advantage. Value Creation and Profitability . The Value Chain. 5. Competitive Advantage through Functional Level Strategies. 6. Business Level Strategy . Low Cost and Differentiation. Value Innovation. Market Segmentation. Strategy Choices. Blue Ocean Strategy. 7. Business Level Strategy and the Industry Environment. 8. Strategy and Technology . Technical Standards and Format Wars. Technological Paradigm Shifts. 9. Strategy in the Global Environment. Global and National Environment. Global Expansion, Profitability, and Profit Growth. Choosing a Global Strategy. The Choice of Entry Mode. 10. Corporate Level Strategy: Horizontal Integration, Vertical Integration, Strategic Outsourcing. 11. Corporate Level Strategy: Related and Unrelated Diversification. 12. Corporate Governance, Social Responsibility, and Ethics. 13. Implementing Strategy Through Organization. Organizational Architecture. Organizational Culture. Organization Process. 14. From Good to Great, the physic of successful business transformation and upgrading.



1. Strategic Management, Hill, Schilling, Jones, 13e, 2020, Cengage Learning
2. Good To Great, Jim Collins, 2001, Hopper Collins Publishers
3. Seizing the White Space, Mark Johnson and Steve Wunker, 林麗冠譯, 2010, 天下文化


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