109年第1學期-3126 自然:動物行為、演化與大腦 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Written Report 個人報告 20 free choice of topic that is related to our class 個人報告題目自訂(題目需與課程相關)
Group Presentation 分組報告 30 including oral presentation and a written essay 含口頭報告及文字報告
Discussion 課堂討論 15 in class group discussion 課堂分組討論
Attendance 出席 5 attendance
Final Exam 期末考 30 Final Exam


本課程名額為 60人,已有55 人選讀,尚餘名額5人。

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1. Many of us derive inspirations from observations of animal behaviors: from the cooperation behavior of the ants, the dance of the bees, the “imprinted” conditioning of baby goose, to the echolocation abilities of the dolphins and bats. In this course, we will explore how scientists study animal behavior, including resource acquisition; avoiding predators; mate choice and reproduction; cues, signals and communication; parental care and social behavior. 2. We will also talk about how the genes and behavior interact with the environment and how the behavior is influenced by the evolutionary forces of natural and sexual selection. 3. We will talk about the brain and the physiological mechanisms behind the behavior and discuss the current research in brain and neuroscience on animal behavior. 4. The goal of this course is to help the students understand the concepts and the mechanisms in biological evolution, and how that influences development of animals behavior. By understand the development and the function of the animal behaviors, we might be able to explain human behavior. 1. 我們時常從觀察野生動物的行為中得到靈感:從螞蟻的合作行為,蜜蜂的舞蹈,小鵝的銘印制約行為,到海豚及蝙蝠的回聲定位。本課程中我們將探討關於動物行為的科學研究,包括:食物的取得、躲避天敵、求偶以及生殖、生物訊息及溝通、育幼以及社會行為等。 2. 我們將討論基因與行為是如何和環境產生互動,以及動物行為是如何受到演化(天擇、性擇)力量的影響。 3. 我們也將探討大腦與動物行為背後的生理機制,以及目前神經科學在動物行為方面的研究。 4. 本課的目的在幫助學生了解生物演化的觀念及其機制,以及演化動力如何形塑動物行為。盼能藉由了解動物行為的發展與成因來解釋人類的行為。



1. Animal Talk: breaking the codes of animal language,《動物密碼:從動物行為看動物溝通》,
Tim Friend 著,林劭貞、劉守儀譯,商周,2006
2. King Solomon's Ring《所羅門王的指環》,Konrad Lorenz 著,天下文化, 2007
3. Animal Behavior: An Evolutionary Approach, Tenth Edition, John Alcock著,Sinauer Associates,
Inc.; 2013
4. Perspectives on Animal Behavior, J. Goodenough, B. McGuire & E. Jakob Wiley, 著3rd edition 2009


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