109年第1學期-3663 一年法文 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
小考 40
出席率 20
期中考 20
期末考 20


本課程名額為 35人,已有37 人選讀,尚餘名額-2人。

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The Basic French course has five main aims: 1. To teach French phonetic rules and pronunciation 2. to courage fluency and the active use of French 3. to provide language models that will be relevant to the student’s needs. 4. to introduce French culture 5. to encourage self-learningB. Teaching outline 1.French alphabets and French pronunciation rules 2.Introduction 3.Getting know each other 4.Introducing the others 5.Asking information


Course description: students will be trained first to pronounce correctly French by learning all the phonetic rules which govern syllabic pronunciation. Then they will move to read texts in order to better assimilate a close to reality pronunciation. In the second stage, conversation will be emphasized with group and individual activities. Oral skills will be the core of this course. Apart from language learning, students will be introduced to various aspects of French culture through a methodology appropriate to intercultural situation (analysis of social values, social representations, body language, foreign culture as a mirror of one’s culture, etc.)



Initial I (CLE International)


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