109年第1學期-4013 大一英文:語文與溝通 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Midterm & Final Exams 50 Reading 20%; Listening 15%; Communicative Component 15%
In-Class 50 Quizzes 15%; Orals 15%; Writing 10%; Participation 10%


本課程名額為 35人,已有20 人選讀,尚餘名額15人。

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乃俊廷 解鈴容


Course Objectives: 1. enhance their English listening ability; 2. enhance their English speaking ability; 3. enhance their English reading ability; 4. enhance their English writing ability; 5. enhance their overall English communicative ability; and 6. enhance their knowledge of cultural diversity and international perspective. The course contents are summarized as follows: 1. learning and using daily-life vocabulary and expressions; 2. reading and discussing multicultural and cross-disciplinary articles and books; 3. listening and responding to authentic and situational audio recordings; 4. engaging in in-class dialogues, group discussions, and/or other speaking activities; 5. writing play scripts, journals, and/or other assignments; 6. performing in-class plays; and 7. developing English learning strategies and effective study habits.


「語文與溝通」課程讓教學現場成為以「學」「習」作中心的場域,而能培育「深厚的博雅底蘊」,乃以「溝通」為主軸,以「2+1」為設計架構,落實「跨域」的對話。 在六大範疇的支柱中,「2+1」的第一個概念是,突破中文、英文單一授課的模式,在中文、英文分別授課(2)與共時授課(1)的靈活運用裡,從建立聽說讀寫的基本能力作開端,奠定深度「連結」(Connect)的基礎,不僅讓語文成為專業學習與社會需求的基礎能力,更能對不同文化產生深度與廣度的對話。 「2+1」的第二個概念是,以大二上(1)的成果展呈現大一兩學期(2)的學習成果,強調在學習的過程中,探索「語文與溝通」和專業學習、社會需求之間的關連,並在學習的成就感中,獲得學習的動機。



21st Century Reading 4 (National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning)
Simplified Readers:
1. Little Women (Oxford Bookworms)
2. Pride and Prejudice (Oxford Bookworms)


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