109年第1學期-6460 傅柯研究:監獄、生命權力與國家 課程資訊


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儘管法國思想家傅柯(Michel Foucault)的著作繁多且龐雜,但《監視與懲罰》(surveiller et punir,舊譯《規訓與懲罰》)無疑是受到最多討論、相關後續研究最多、也最為歷久彌新一部著作。本課程將《監視與懲罰》一書作為理解傅柯的起點,探討以下幾個後續對傅柯的相關研究都會觸及的問題:一、《監視與懲罰》知識社會學的脈絡是什麼?二、《監視與懲罰》一書如何開啟了傅柯關於生命權力(Biopower)的研究?三、傅柯如何理解「國家」的問題。本課程將圍繞著上述三個主要的問題意識,探討傅柯思想與當代社會的連結。



■ 相關參考書目 (Other Useful Readings) (限1200中文字)
《監視與懲罰:監獄的誕生》,Michel Foucault著,王紹中譯,2020,台北:時報出版。
Surveiller et punir: Naissance de la prison, 1975, Paris : Gallimard.
Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, 1977, New York, Random House.

Dreyfus, Hubert L.,Paul Rabinow.,David Couzens Hoy. (Ed.)(1986).Foucault: A Critical Reader.Oxford:Basil Blackwell.
Eribon, Dider.,Betsy Wing. (Trans.)(1991).Michel Foucault.Cambridge Harvard UP.
Foucault, Michel..The Subject and Power.Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics.
Foucault, Michel.,Gordon, Colin. (Ed.),Colin Gordon (Trans.)(1980).Power/knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-77.New York:Harvester.
Foucault, Michel.,Hubert Dreyfus (Eds.),Paul Rabinow. (Eds.)(1983).Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics.Chicago:U of Chicago P.
Foucault, Michel.,Hubert L. Dreyfus (Eds.),Paul Rabinow. (Eds.)(1983).Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics.Chicago:U of Chicago P.
Foucault, Michel.,J. Bernauer (Eds.),D. Rasmussen. (Eds.)(1988).The Final Foucault.Cambridge, Mass:MITP.
Foucault, Michel.,Luther H. Martin (Eds.)(1988).Technologies of the Self: A Seminar with Michel Foucault.Amherst, MA.:U of Massachusetts P.
Foucault, Michel.,Paul Rabinow. (Ed.)(1984).The Foucault Reader.New York:Pantheon.
Foucault, Michel.,R. Howard. (Trans.)(1965).Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason.New York:Vintage.
Foucault, Michel.,R. Hurley. (Trans.)(1986).The Care of Self. Vol. III of The History of Sexuality.New York:Vintage.
Foucault, Michel.,R. Hurley. (Trans.)(1985).The Use of Pleasure. Vol. II of The History of Sexuality.New York:Vintage Books.
Foucault, Michel.,Robert Hurley. (Trans.)(1980).The History of Sexuality, Vlume I: An Introduction.New York:Vintage.
Frank, W. Arthur,Therese Jones.(2003).Biotechs and the Later Foucault.Journal of Medical Humanities,24(3-4),179-186.
Hacking, Ian.,David Couzens Hoy (Ed.)(1986).Fo


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