112年第1學期-0129 二年法文 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Midterm Test 30
Final Test 30
Attendance 10
Participation & Homework 30


本課程名額為 35人,已有24 人選讀,尚餘名額11人。

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1. Let students master the basic pronunciation and intonation of French through the natural pronunciation method, so that they can speak French naturally. 2. Through the vivid dialogues in the textbooks, learn various basic grammars step by step, Vocabulary, sentence patterns and practical conversation, with the goal of achieving the French appraisal DELF A1, and laying down the basic ability of French listening, speaking, reading and writing. Various situations of supplementary textbooks help students become more familiar with French grammar and logic, and speak French easily. 4. Broaden their horizons and understand French culture through the language, so that the language can be used in combination with actual life and work.



Website "Francais facile"


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