112年第1學期-1434 TED商業英語 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Daily work/ assignment & participation平常課堂功課與參與 60 Homework, reading, in-class activities and learning sheets, assessment memo.
Individual speech & assignments個人演說與作業 20 Individual works and delivery
Final project 團隊專題報告 20 Team project


本課程名額為 70人,已有47 人選讀,尚餘名額23人。

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課程目標:培養學生的跨域多元學習,傾聽與口語表達為核心素養,促進學生的認知能力與國際溝通能力。 課程主題: 快樂與腦神經 Happiness ane Brain&Mind,國際時事 Global Awareness,探討與覺察自己的獨特性,學習有意識地去創造與展現 Get Ideas Out of Your Head and Learn to Create Consciously。 學習方法: 透過TED Talk,電影movie,短片short clips; 建立與他人合作的良好互動關係;接觸與瞭解世界正在發生甚麼; 學習如何自發性學習。 The course intended to help students develop their communication skills and to prepare them for the kinds of skills they will be doing in their other courses. The course offers insights in the key ingredients of understand world business and emotional well-being: how to form good relationships, acquire confidence and connect properly with friends. In these classes, we encourage students through discussion and focus on a theme that incorporates significant world texts, movie, and music representing several disciplines.



Selected TED Talk, Youtube (movie電影, music音樂, and short clips短影片):
-A crash course in creativity (Tina Seelig)
-A little risk you can take to increase your luck (Tina Seelig)
-Get ideas out of your head
-How emotion can change your life?
-What is neuroplasticity?
-Others:to be decided in class with students.

Selected World Business news reports (CNBC, NPR)

Be Self-aware, be happy
The Science of Well-Being


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